Saturday, March 27, 2010


WE woke to a hot day but there is a breeze and that really helps. We have already finished burn clinic as we try to only do the ones that need to be seen and can not wait until Monday. We had 2 new children with burns today. One 2 year old that was reaching up and it spilled under her arm and down her side, One 2 year old that had boiling water on her foot from the family meal of boiling beans and rice. They are so good. They just sit there and let us treat them. They are happy for the Pic Willy which is a sucker that we give after we treat them.
Glen left for PAP (town) with Kevin another missionary here. They were going to check out ECODepot and NAPA and pick up the Mail from AGAPa. That is the flight service that brings in mail and letters so that it goes for US postage. All package have to have custom duty paid on them. Glen is trying to get a idea of where to get parts as he is trying to keep things working. Very different than the States, If this picture comes thru it is of the piles of rubble that are every where from the destroyed houses.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Today as I listened to the army unloading water and a constant backup alarm from their big machine, The helicopter took off right out side my window and I had to realise that those are sounds that I am getting very used to. The sounds that I heard today that I did not like were the sounds of boys who need something to do besides stand on the road outside our clinic and call out bad words at us. Also the women who gathered at the gate today demanding water. The well is just down the road and all the water that anyone needs is there but they wanted the water bottles that the army is delivering as the army gets ready to leave the country. They are leaving us enough bottled water to fill 3 small swimming pools.
last night as Friendship
(another Christian group here with from 25 to 16 year old
_went out to get their things off the ship. They had 2 different groups of men jump on their truck and try to take pallet off the truck. They did manage to get one pallet and part of another one. They thought that they got rice and they steal frying pans.
I did have a wonderful talk with a missionary to day who has a flannel graph ministry here in the country that the Haitians are running and are spreading the gospel stories all over the country. It was neat to see and hear about how
God works.
Today we treated one burn and many wounds. We sorted medicine and clothing. We shared some of our abundance with the Haitian academy across the road. They came to help when the earthquake happened.
We are meeting many wonderful people that God is using,
Glen went to Port a Prince today. He is starting to teach a man how to be a mechanic, We took several rides on the 4 wheeler.
I need to quit as I am being ate alive by the misquitos. Good Night

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Just a note to update on our week in Haiti. So much has happened and we do not get to email like we would like to.
This week I worked 3 days in the burn clinic and then spent 2 days going out with North Carolina Baptist to a tent city and also to a city Solua. This was a place that for three years no one from Global had been as it was a center of gang members. We worked in a Church where the front of the church was standing and the sanctuary of the church was totally destroyed. We saw and treated about 100 people using interpreters. The people were very nice. The next day we went to the tent city. We took a guard with us. He had a gun and worked crowd control for us. It had rained that night and we were under a tarp. We were dry. 4 men accepted the Lord that morning and they went to their knees in the dirt and prayed. What a experience. We saw and treated about 100 people that morning.
Yesterday we went to where the earthquake happened. We saw so many buildings down and you know that there are still people in the rubble. One building is standing and one is down. from the earthquake to the town of Port A Prince you just see damage and so many buildings that you still know are going to fall down and people have opened there business underneath the buildings that look like they will fall at any time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

one week in Haiti

We are over one week in Haiti now. It seems like it went so fast.
We have had hot dry windy weather. No rain although it is supposed to be the rainy season. The wind has blown so bad at night we have thought that we are in Wyoming.
We helped to unload a 40 foot container that came from the states. It had a mixture of many supplies on it. We will now need to sort all those supplies.
It was fun to see the different things that were sent. Many needed supplies and things that we can share with other ministries that are down here.
Glen become dehydrated while unloading the container and needed to rest. He is still not feeling as good as he should. So pray that he will be back to feeling good soon.

We are staying in a 2 room apartment with a kitchen below.
One night this week 17 people arrived that we thought had already ate but they had not ate and so we fixed a spaghetti casserole and fed them quick. Just another pleasant surprise, They are going up to the north part of the island.
We have a team coming in to stay on April 20.
Sheryl and Chris and Josh will be back tomorrow so we are looking forward to see them. The Brums family will leave for 6 weeks the first part of April. The other groups here Samaritan Purse,Friendship and North Carolina Baptist are a constantly changing group. We eat lunch with Samaritan Purse group each day for our daily meal of beans and rice.

Glen goes down for Bible study each day with the Haitian men at 7:30 and I head for the clinic each morning at 07:30. We have been treating each morning from 2-3 hours and then we head out to help with moving supplies or the many other jobs that need done, Glen has been working on a well drilling machine,a generator, and numerous other vehicles

Friday, March 5, 2010

Haiti arrrival

We arrived safely in Haiti. We were met at the airport by David Heady. We were able to see Chris and Sheryl for a few minutes before they left. Then we took a trip to see some of the effects of the earthquake. So many buildings down. So many tents and every type of material that people are living in (plastic, cardboard and other things put up for walls. People selling things on top of the rubble.
We saw what the earthquake did to the roads. We saw the site of a mass grave. Then to the compound to see the many new things that were not here the last time that we were here. A big yellow and white tent operated by Friendship. The conference center has a large group of Samaratian purse. The mountains are brown following afire. The grass is dry as the rains have not come.
We ate beans and rice and peanut butter. We reconected with the people that we knew from last time and met some new people. We are living in a apartment on the top of the visitors quarters.
Then it was time for a nap. Glen was awakened so that he could learn to fill the propane tanks. Then we had supper with a team that were here. Fried Chicken. G
Then we walked to the Bruns to have our questions answered and we have alot of those today.
Then back to bed.
Today I worked in the burn clinic and sorted the supplies that we brought. Glen cleaned the generator room and now is working on a clutch that he has never seen beore.
It is overcast and cool here today.
I am going down to meet the people from
North Carolina Baptist who I will be helping at their clinic on Saturday.
Pray that we will get over being tired.

Monday, March 1, 2010


We leave on Wed March 3. We will arrive in Haiti on Thursday AM and Sheryl and Chris Fly out at 4pm. We still have some of our taxes that are not complete. Please pray that we can finish them before we leave. Tomorrow is the final day for packing.

This is the building that we think that we will be staying in at the Global Campus in Haiti.