Friday, June 11, 2010

Missionary Orientation Training

We along with 6 other couples finished MOT today. It has been a full week of classes about the mission group that we are going with and what to expect on the missionary field. It was a stetching week for us.
To start with when you see a name tag in front of you that says Glen Erickson Missionary to Haiti Linda Erickson Missionary to Haiti. It suddenly seems real. We are ready to return to Haiti but on the practical side we do have several housekeeping duties to finish like who will live in our house, Who will support us, What are we going to keep and what are we going to sell. When will we be leaving again, and a few other things.
We are staying in Tuppelo Mississippi tonight "(Elvis Birth Place) We saw today where he bought his first guitar) We will be flying to Fort Lauderdale and will be there until Tuesday. Then home to Children and Grandchildren. We have alot to talk over before we get home.
We spent the week with the home office staff. They treated us to a wonderful week. We were able to talk with each of them. They presented what they would be doing for us in the office and talked with us about their time on the mission field.
Then they feed us well and had wonderful desserts for us to enjoy, So much for the weight that we had lost in Haiti.

Friday, June 4, 2010

new homes in Titityan

We went with Kevin and Susan to the childrens program. It was really fun. We had a great time watching the children sing and do actions to their songs. Glen had a great time holding a little girl that has climbed in his lap every time that we have seen her.
On the way back from the childrens program we stopped to see the new houses that are being built with the earth quake fund. It was really special. We went thru one home that is not finished and then the owner of the next house invited us in to see it. It is a 2 room house with a outhouse. They were so happy. They asked us to stop and pray with them. We sang and then they prayed Thanks to God for their new house. What a special time.
We have such mixed feelings about returning home. We know that we need to but we feel that we could continue to help, I guess that our decision is made by the fact that we will be in missionary training next week but it would be so easy to stay., The three months have just flown.


We just have arrived in Florida. What a difference than Haiti. When We look at the huge buildings that are not falling down and no trash in the streets, being able to go into a restaurant and order different food. It feels very strange. We will be here in Fort Lauderdale until Sunday when we fly to Tuppelo Miss for a week of classes. We will arrive home on June 15.