Today a young Haitian man came to the clinic and wanted to thank me for taking care of him when he was in a accident. He was very grateful. We hugged and I just had to praise God for allowing me to work as a nurse in a place like the burn clinic in Haiti.
The Grand Mouns (elderly people) were in this morning and it is wonderful to see them. Several of the babies or small children were almost finished today, The 91 year old lady has about 1/2 of one foot left to heal when she started out with 2 legs burned almost from the knees down.
God is our great healer. He takes what he has taught us over the years and helps us to use it to do His work. What a amazing God we have.
The daughter of the 91 year old woman who rides on a Motercycle 3 times a week to see us. We asked her where she found her Joy in the Lord. She said that she saw it around her house, with her mother and grandchildren, with singing and in Church, She has had a hard last two months but yet she finds Joy in the Lord,
This blog is set up to follow our trips to Haiti. We will do our best to keep it up to date. We are currently awaiting a departure date after arriving back in the Colorado June 15, 2010. Linda will be working in the clinic. Glen will be doing whatever needs to be he puts it, he will be a "grunt." But his specialty will be in mechanics.
Monday, August 29, 2011
On our first trip to Haiti we were putting a roof on a house in Titianyen. I met a young boy in the village. I played with him and he played with me. We did thumb wars and other simple games and we had a great time together. That night I was speaking with Tim Kendal the G.O. missionary about this little boy and that I had really not done much with him except show him some attention. Tim expained to me that a lot of the young boys and girls do not get attention,let alone love. He showed up everywhere that we were that week. When we came back in 2010 he was here again and I was so glad to find him because of the earthquake. He was living in a tent. We would share time again together even if we could not talk to each other. He was friends with the boy who died so he did not talk or come around me for awhile . When the village started being friendly He showed up again. I have carried a picture of him since I was here the first time. He and other little boys like him were very instumental in why I'm here. One of my goals when coming here was to see that he was in school. They do not have public school and each family must pay about $200
USD to out their child in school
Well it has taken almost 2 years but this morning we met with Him and his dad. He will be agle to go back to school. He missed last year as he did not have money, This is a huge praise the Lord for me and him. He will have a chance in life because of a chance meeting with a man he did not know. God works in such amazing ways. He knows the hairs on our head and He has a plan. We just have to listen and follow thru with what God is saying and showing us to do.
Following the meeting I said to Linda I know that Dad from somewhere. He looked like the little boy who died dad. Yes he is that Dad. A lot of things make sense now. We are truly amazed at what God is doing in our lives. Sadness in a family but great joy also. I will have to spend some time alone to understand all this an maybe it is not for me to know.
USD to out their child in school
Well it has taken almost 2 years but this morning we met with Him and his dad. He will be agle to go back to school. He missed last year as he did not have money, This is a huge praise the Lord for me and him. He will have a chance in life because of a chance meeting with a man he did not know. God works in such amazing ways. He knows the hairs on our head and He has a plan. We just have to listen and follow thru with what God is saying and showing us to do.
Following the meeting I said to Linda I know that Dad from somewhere. He looked like the little boy who died dad. Yes he is that Dad. A lot of things make sense now. We are truly amazed at what God is doing in our lives. Sadness in a family but great joy also. I will have to spend some time alone to understand all this an maybe it is not for me to know.
About 2-3 months ago a orphanage asked G.O. to come and drill a well. This was the last well that we worked on before we stopped doing our own drilling of wells and it never was completed. Another organization tried to drill there again and hit a dry hole. They moved down on the property and tried the well again. They hit good water at 140 feet deep. We set a pump and generator on August 17 and tried the well. It poured wonderful water. We had a 10 foot pipe out to the side and the kids went wild playing in the water. A very old woman was brought down and they filled a big wash tub of water for her and she took a bath right there. ( Remember that we live in Haiti) The Pastor just sat in front of the pipe on his knees and Praised the Lord with the fresh water pouring on him. What a great day. We pumped it into the cistern. They should have fresh water to drink two days later. Now that was a Good Day. We in the United States do not realize how we take Water for Granted.
ON Aug 18 we wired the well and ran the plumbing pipe 350 feet to the cistern. We fired up the generator and presto 45 orphans have clean water. Praise the Lord as it does not get much better than this.
This orphanage is one that we did vacation Bible School. They played our national anthem from the US and then the Haitian national anthem on Trumpet when we arrived. They play a
lot of instuments.
ON Aug 18 we wired the well and ran the plumbing pipe 350 feet to the cistern. We fired up the generator and presto 45 orphans have clean water. Praise the Lord as it does not get much better than this.
This orphanage is one that we did vacation Bible School. They played our national anthem from the US and then the Haitian national anthem on Trumpet when we arrived. They play a
lot of instuments.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
This has been a busy month. This past week we helped with Vacation Bible School. They were in two different locations. Around 300 kids attended. Blonket where Global Outreach built a school and drilled a well was the first one. They handed out cards and registered kids to keep the number around 100.
The second one was at a church Shakina. This is also a church that GO built. It had to have repairs from the earthquake. This week the team painted the walls. It holds over 1000 people. They had two Bible schools there this week. One was in the morning for kids 8 -11 and the one in the afternoon was for teenagers.
The last day they gave the invitation to accept Christ.
Anouse one of the Haitian workers and Glen had this conversation.
Glen asked " How many teenagers accepted Christ today." Anouse said "Too Many"
Glen corrected his English and said "There can never be to many"
Anouse said. It was too many to count. There were about 45 teenagers that accepted Christ yesterday.
The second one was at a church Shakina. This is also a church that GO built. It had to have repairs from the earthquake. This week the team painted the walls. It holds over 1000 people. They had two Bible schools there this week. One was in the morning for kids 8 -11 and the one in the afternoon was for teenagers.
The last day they gave the invitation to accept Christ.
Anouse one of the Haitian workers and Glen had this conversation.
Glen asked " How many teenagers accepted Christ today." Anouse said "Too Many"
Glen corrected his English and said "There can never be to many"
Anouse said. It was too many to count. There were about 45 teenagers that accepted Christ yesterday.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Gods Birthday
Yesterday was one of the holidays celebrated in Haiti. It was Gods Birthday. The bank, schools and business were closed. So many things are different here than in the USA. They have 44 holidays at least a year.
We have a team here this week from Tennessee. There are 3 women and 8 men. They have helped us to paint the clinic and today are painting a house in the village. They have ran electrical wire and are working on plumbing in the new addition to the clinic. It will be exciting when we get everything finished in the clinic.
We had several new burns today. One was a 5 month old baby who pulled a pot of water over on himself.
Glen has been out with the well fixing truck all week. He likes going with them. He did the Grand Moun program on Monday. He likes greeting and hugging all the older people. I think that it reminds him of Greeting at Church and he loved doing that.
Judy and David were at a church in Bon Repo Sunday. Last year at this time they Baptised 100 people and this year they have baptised over 24o. What a growing church. It is neat to see the work of God in this country. We have had workers and people that come to the clinic who have been on prayer retreats. It is great to hear them pray.
We have a team here this week from Tennessee. There are 3 women and 8 men. They have helped us to paint the clinic and today are painting a house in the village. They have ran electrical wire and are working on plumbing in the new addition to the clinic. It will be exciting when we get everything finished in the clinic.
We had several new burns today. One was a 5 month old baby who pulled a pot of water over on himself.
Glen has been out with the well fixing truck all week. He likes going with them. He did the Grand Moun program on Monday. He likes greeting and hugging all the older people. I think that it reminds him of Greeting at Church and he loved doing that.
Judy and David were at a church in Bon Repo Sunday. Last year at this time they Baptised 100 people and this year they have baptised over 24o. What a growing church. It is neat to see the work of God in this country. We have had workers and people that come to the clinic who have been on prayer retreats. It is great to hear them pray.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
time flys in Haiti
Glen and I were talking tonight that we have almost been here the 3 months that we were here last year. We are not ready to go home and glad that this year we will not be going home at this time. I can't believe that it has been a month since I last wrote as May is about finished.
I will give you the highlights of the last month.
1. Seeing a man come to accept Jesus in our Clinic and get a Bible.
2. Seeing many burns heal. We have had some bad ones this past month. One month ago we had a lady come to the clinic who had been in a fight with a neighbor who threw hot oil on her back. She has healed all except upper left 1/4 of her back. We had a 2 year old who backed into a pan of water and was burned all the way down her back and legs. She just has a few small spots left to heal.
3. The new addition to the burn clinic is coming along. It will be helpful to have more than one place that we can treat patients. The structure is up and they are working on the outside walls.
4. Glen and I are both learning some Creole. I am taking classes.
5. Letters,emails, and phone calls from friends and family.
6. Glen is working with the Grand Moun program that supplies some food to 62 older haitians each Monday. He is able to hug them and this week he even had one on them kiss him. That helps as he misses greeting at our church in the states.
7. Attending church. We have been to several different ones this month. Some the entire service is in Creole. Some are in English. Meeting people at the churches.
8. Glen having sucess fixing so many things that he had never seen before.
please pray with us for
1. Strength and energy.
2. Ears to hear Creole and mouths that pronounce it correctly.
3. Making new friends.
4. Wisdom as we treat people in the clinic and that others will come to the Lord.
Thanks so much Glen and Linda
I will give you the highlights of the last month.
1. Seeing a man come to accept Jesus in our Clinic and get a Bible.
2. Seeing many burns heal. We have had some bad ones this past month. One month ago we had a lady come to the clinic who had been in a fight with a neighbor who threw hot oil on her back. She has healed all except upper left 1/4 of her back. We had a 2 year old who backed into a pan of water and was burned all the way down her back and legs. She just has a few small spots left to heal.
3. The new addition to the burn clinic is coming along. It will be helpful to have more than one place that we can treat patients. The structure is up and they are working on the outside walls.
4. Glen and I are both learning some Creole. I am taking classes.
5. Letters,emails, and phone calls from friends and family.
6. Glen is working with the Grand Moun program that supplies some food to 62 older haitians each Monday. He is able to hug them and this week he even had one on them kiss him. That helps as he misses greeting at our church in the states.
7. Attending church. We have been to several different ones this month. Some the entire service is in Creole. Some are in English. Meeting people at the churches.
8. Glen having sucess fixing so many things that he had never seen before.
please pray with us for
1. Strength and energy.
2. Ears to hear Creole and mouths that pronounce it correctly.
3. Making new friends.
4. Wisdom as we treat people in the clinic and that others will come to the Lord.
Thanks so much Glen and Linda
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Life in Haiti
This week has been busy. We started with a Joyful Easter. We went to PAP to the English speaking church. Christ is Risen Indeed was the theme. It was packed. Then home for Easter dinner with Chris and Sheryl and Josh Brumley. We even had Ham. Thanks to our friends Kevin and Susan. The evening was finished after our naps with a worship service with Samaritians Purse, (SP) Great day.
Monday began at 0600 with laborers arriving for a cement pour on the new addition to the clinic roof. It took about 15 as they formed a bucket brigade to pass buckets of cement that they had mixed on the ground. They worked until finished. So Chris has had to spray it with water each day to keep it so that it hardens with out cracking. Different than in the states, We had clinic on Monday which was very busy. Then Tuesday is lighter usually. We had at least 5 new burns and serveral other patients. Glen went out to fix 2 wells that had broken. One well had gravel in it as the kids like to push little rocks down the only small hole on the pump and it wears a hole in the well and it quits,
Then the other things that have broken this week. Chris car is in PAP waiting to find parts as the transmission went down. We have taken our car in 3 times to see if they can fix the intermittant air conditioning. Chris and Sheryls airconditioner went down and the freezer on their refrig quit. Our freezer started beeping last night. The ice machine quit this week. Please pray for these things as they are all things that we need to work.
Today we go to PAP to work at AGAPE which is where they fly our mail in.
Pray for safe travel as it is always a pray situation when you travel in this country.
I am taking Creole classes. Please pray that I will retain what I learn.
I need to go we just had a new burn come in . Love Glen and Linda
Monday began at 0600 with laborers arriving for a cement pour on the new addition to the clinic roof. It took about 15 as they formed a bucket brigade to pass buckets of cement that they had mixed on the ground. They worked until finished. So Chris has had to spray it with water each day to keep it so that it hardens with out cracking. Different than in the states, We had clinic on Monday which was very busy. Then Tuesday is lighter usually. We had at least 5 new burns and serveral other patients. Glen went out to fix 2 wells that had broken. One well had gravel in it as the kids like to push little rocks down the only small hole on the pump and it wears a hole in the well and it quits,
Then the other things that have broken this week. Chris car is in PAP waiting to find parts as the transmission went down. We have taken our car in 3 times to see if they can fix the intermittant air conditioning. Chris and Sheryls airconditioner went down and the freezer on their refrig quit. Our freezer started beeping last night. The ice machine quit this week. Please pray for these things as they are all things that we need to work.
Today we go to PAP to work at AGAPE which is where they fly our mail in.
Pray for safe travel as it is always a pray situation when you travel in this country.
I am taking Creole classes. Please pray that I will retain what I learn.
I need to go we just had a new burn come in . Love Glen and Linda
Friday, April 8, 2011
We are in Haiti
We arrived in Haiti on March 16. The first few days were putting away things although a team had unboxed and put away all of the things that we shipped on the container. We were tired. We are beginning to adjust and get back our energy.
We started on Monday to work as Glen had alot of jobs waiting for him to get done.
I started in the burn clinic but since then have helped in several other clinics ran by North Carolina Rescue. They were so encouraging as they came over and prayed for us tonight. What a great group. They have teams coming each week. They do medical and building.
Then we had to say goodby to our good friends Kevin and Susan Bruns and their children. They left to move back to the States on April 1. We will miss them.
Before Susan left she taught me how to do the monthly reports but lucky for me they are on Quicken which is a program that I know so that helped.
Today Glen went in to PAP to pickup our car and get parts with David Heady. He is doing well with his knee replacement. He has been helping to haul sand and gravel to the new houses that are being built in Titiyan.
I helped a lady who had brought material to make new curtains and bed covers for 2 rooms in the vistor quarters. It was lots of fun except trying to keep the sewing machines running.
We are on our 3rd team since we arrived. They are fun and each one has its own personality. It has been great to see how the week goes for them. We have done some things with them like going up the mountain to see the childrens puppet program. It was great. We went to church in PAP last week and went out to eat at Dominos which is the only fast food place in Haiti.
So just know that time is flying and we are busy.
Please pray for energy for us and for God to renew our strength.
We started on Monday to work as Glen had alot of jobs waiting for him to get done.
I started in the burn clinic but since then have helped in several other clinics ran by North Carolina Rescue. They were so encouraging as they came over and prayed for us tonight. What a great group. They have teams coming each week. They do medical and building.
Then we had to say goodby to our good friends Kevin and Susan Bruns and their children. They left to move back to the States on April 1. We will miss them.
Before Susan left she taught me how to do the monthly reports but lucky for me they are on Quicken which is a program that I know so that helped.
Today Glen went in to PAP to pickup our car and get parts with David Heady. He is doing well with his knee replacement. He has been helping to haul sand and gravel to the new houses that are being built in Titiyan.
I helped a lady who had brought material to make new curtains and bed covers for 2 rooms in the vistor quarters. It was lots of fun except trying to keep the sewing machines running.
We are on our 3rd team since we arrived. They are fun and each one has its own personality. It has been great to see how the week goes for them. We have done some things with them like going up the mountain to see the childrens puppet program. It was great. We went to church in PAP last week and went out to eat at Dominos which is the only fast food place in Haiti.
So just know that time is flying and we are busy.
Please pray for energy for us and for God to renew our strength.
Monday, February 28, 2011
We are leaving in 14 days. That will go by fast. Glen is healing well from his surgery to replace his knee. He will have a crown replaced tomorrow and we need your prayers as it is to soon to have dental work. Please pray with us.
We will fly out of Denver on the 14th and then will arrive in Fort Lauderdale. We are going to spend a day so that Glen has time to walk and get around on his leg before we get on the plane again.
We are very excited to be going. We have been asked so many times if we are ready. We are able to answer truthfully. Yes. We are ready to go.
Paperwork and taxes are not ready but we are. Please pray that we will be able to put together the final pieces so that we can leave with everything done. In Gods Hands Linda
We will fly out of Denver on the 14th and then will arrive in Fort Lauderdale. We are going to spend a day so that Glen has time to walk and get around on his leg before we get on the plane again.
We are very excited to be going. We have been asked so many times if we are ready. We are able to answer truthfully. Yes. We are ready to go.
Paperwork and taxes are not ready but we are. Please pray that we will be able to put together the final pieces so that we can leave with everything done. In Gods Hands Linda
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