Yesterday was one of the holidays celebrated in Haiti. It was Gods Birthday. The bank, schools and business were closed. So many things are different here than in the USA. They have 44 holidays at least a year.
We have a team here this week from Tennessee. There are 3 women and 8 men. They have helped us to paint the clinic and today are painting a house in the village. They have ran electrical wire and are working on plumbing in the new addition to the clinic. It will be exciting when we get everything finished in the clinic.
We had several new burns today. One was a 5 month old baby who pulled a pot of water over on himself.
Glen has been out with the well fixing truck all week. He likes going with them. He did the Grand Moun program on Monday. He likes greeting and hugging all the older people. I think that it reminds him of Greeting at Church and he loved doing that.
Judy and David were at a church in Bon Repo Sunday. Last year at this time they Baptised 100 people and this year they have baptised over 24o. What a growing church. It is neat to see the work of God in this country. We have had workers and people that come to the clinic who have been on prayer retreats. It is great to hear them pray.