Monday, August 29, 2011


About 2-3 months ago a orphanage asked G.O. to come and drill a well. This was the last well that we worked on before we stopped doing our own drilling of wells and it never was completed. Another organization tried to drill there again and hit a dry hole. They moved down on the property and tried the well again. They hit good water at 140 feet deep. We set a pump and generator on August 17 and tried the well. It poured wonderful water. We had a 10 foot pipe out to the side and the kids went wild playing in the water. A very old woman was brought down and they filled a big wash tub of water for her and she took a bath right there. ( Remember that we live in Haiti) The Pastor just sat in front of the pipe on his knees and Praised the Lord with the fresh water pouring on him. What a great day. We pumped it into the cistern. They should have fresh water to drink two days later. Now that was a Good Day. We in the United States do not realize how we take Water for Granted.
ON Aug 18 we wired the well and ran the plumbing pipe 350 feet to the cistern. We fired up the generator and presto 45 orphans have clean water. Praise the Lord as it does not get much better than this.
This orphanage is one that we did vacation Bible School. They played our national anthem from the US and then the Haitian national anthem on Trumpet when we arrived. They play a
lot of instuments.

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